1976 Grant Recipients

Anatolia College

Thessaloniki, Greece

Amount granted: $3,000

Grant year: 1976

Grant category: Education


Remodeling the Art Room

Berea College

Berea, KY

Amount granted: $4,000

Grant year: 1976

Grant category: Education


General Support

Cazenovia College

Cazenovia, NY

Amount granted: $5,000

Grant year: 1976

Grant category: Education


Financial Aid in the Science and Nursing Program

Choate Rosemary Hall Foundation

Wallingford, CT

Amount granted: $3,000

Grant year: 1976

Grant category: Visual Arts and Music


Scholarships for Study of Harpsichord and Organ

Columbia University Press

New York, NY

Amount granted: $7,500

Grant year: 1976

Grant category: Education


The “Law Practice of Alexander Hamilton, Vol. 3”