Syracuse, NY
Amount granted: $13,202
Grant year: 2022
Grant category: Human Services
$13,202 to support the revision, expansion and production of its 80-page educational booklet Neighbor to Neighbor, Nation to Nation: Reading About the Relationship of the Onondaga Nation with Central New York, USA.
Organization: The Syracuse Peace Council is a locally based grassroots peace and social justice organization founded in 1936, which educates, agitates and organizes for social change. Neighbors of the Onondaga Nation (NOON), a project of the Syracuse Peace Council, was formed in 1999 to support the sovereignty of the Onondaga Nation (a nation in the Haudenosaunee Confederacy), their Land Rights Action and collaborate with them on environmental protection and restoration. NOON joins the Onondaga Nation’s call for justice, reconciliation and healing, through educational projects, relationship building and advocacy.