Augusta, Maine
Amount granted: $15,000
Grant year: 2021
Grant category: Human Services
$15,000 to support The Maine Children’s Alliance (MCA)’s Maine KIDS COUNT Data Book, the state’s only comprehensive report of the physical, social, economic and educational well-being of Maine children. The data and analysis inform effective and data-driven policy change in the state.
The Maine Children’s Alliance (MCA) is a public policy, nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of Maine children, youth and families through research, collaboration and advocacy. For 25 years, MCA has promoted best policies and practices to make sure all Maine children have the resources and opportunity to reach their full potential from birth to adulthood. Activities include collecting and analyzing state data, partnering with organizations and coalitions, and promoting data-driven policy decisions. MCA works to inform, empower, and inspire parents and providers, practitioners and organizations, and advocates and policy makers to make Maine a better place to be a kid.