1986 Grant Recipients

Appalachian Trail Conference

Lyme, NH

Amount granted: $1,500

Grant year: 1986

Grant category: Environment


Protection of Holt’s Ledge Viewshed in Lyme, Nh

AVA Gallery

Hanover, NH

Amount granted: $3,000

Grant year: 1986

Grant category: Visual Arts and Music


To Help With Artists’ Exhibition Fees

Bates College

Lewiston, ME

Amount granted: $5,000

Grant year: 1986

Grant category: Visual Arts and Music


In Support of Visual Arts and Music Programs At Olin Visual Arts and Music Center

Brattleboro Museum and Art Center

Brattleboro, VT

Amount granted: $3,000

Grant year: 1986

Grant category: Historic Preservation


Restoration of Canopy Over Main Entrance of Bldg

Brattleboro Music Center

Brattleboro, VT

Amount granted: $4,000

Grant year: 1986

Grant category: Visual Arts and Music


For the New England Bach Festival

Bridgewater Recreation Committee

Woodstock, VT

Amount granted: $10,000

Grant year: 1986

Grant category: Historic Preservation


Restoration of “Old Brick Schoolhouse”-Com. Ctr.

Center for Coastal Studies

Provincetown, MA

Amount granted: $5,000

Grant year: 1986

Grant category: Environment


Continue Habitat Studies On Right Whales