1983 Grant Recipients

American Farm School

Thessaloniki, Greece

Amount granted: $2,500

Grant year: 1983

Grant category: Education


To Aid in Installing a Methane Digester.

Boston Chamber Opera

Boston, MA

Amount granted: $5,000

Grant year: 1983

Grant category: Visual Arts and Music


For Their 1983-84 Concert Season.

Buffalo Seminary

Buffalo, NY

Amount granted: $10,000

Grant year: 1983

Grant category: Education


Capital Improvements

Cazenovia College

Cazenovia, NY

Amount granted: $2,500

Grant year: 1983

Grant category: Education


For Costs Attendant Upon Becoming Co-Education, Informal and Formalal

Center for Coastal Studies, The

Provincetown, MA

Amount granted: $5,000

Grant year: 1983

Grant category: Environment


Study of Whales in Stellwagan Bank/Cape Cod Area