1966 Grant Recipients

Columbia University Law School

New York, NY

Amount granted: $25,000

Grant year: 1966

Grant category: Visual Arts and Music


For Sculpture By Jacqes Lipchitz, Continued

Deerfield Academy

Deerfield, MA

Amount granted: $30,000

Grant year: 1966

Grant category: Education


For Deerfield Capital Program

Deerfield Academy

Deerfield, MA

Amount granted: $30,000

Grant year: 1966

Grant category: Education


For the Deerfield Capital Program, See # 263

Freedom Fund

New York, NY

Amount granted: $2,000

Grant year: 1966

Grant category: Education


Books to Teachers, Students in Africa, Latin A.

Keuka College

Keuka Park, NY

Amount granted: $3,000

Grant year: 1966

Grant category: Education


For the Visiting Lecturer Program

United Fund of Long Island

Long Island, NY

Amount granted: $10,000

Grant year: 1966

Grant category: Human Services


For General Support